
Image – Lightbox Thumbnail Overlay

An overlay div on a lightbox thumbnail.
1. Webflow Designer

1. Insert a Div. Give it a class

This will serve as the wrapper.
Style it:

position: relative

2. Insert the Lightbox widget.

In the designer as preferred.

3. Select the Image element. Give it a class.

Choose the image to be shown as your thumbnail.

4. Add media to the Image element.

Choose the images you want to be shown when you click on your lightbox thumbnail.

5. Give the Lightbox Link element a class.

Style it as desired, but these properties need to be set for the hover overlay to work properly:

position: relative

6. Add a div to the Lightbox Link element. Give it a class.

In the Navigator panel, place the div so it's above the previous styled Image element. This is the overlay div.
Add your preferred style to it, but these need to be set:

height: 100%
width: 100%
position: absolute (full)
z-index: 1 (or higher than the Lightbox Image element)

7. Add elements of your wish do the overlay div.

It could be anything from headings, icons, etc.

Click Done when finished.

2. Interactions

1. Add interaction to the overlay div.

Select the overlay div and go to the Global Objects panel.
Give the interaction a name e.g Lightbox overlay hidden.
Select Initial Appearance and apply these settings:

opacity: 0%
display: none

2. Select the Lightbox Link and add interaction.

Go back to the Global Objects panel and give the interaction a name e.g Lightbox overlay show.
Select the trigger of Hover.
Check the Affect different element(s) and type in the class name for your hidden overlay div.

3. On Hover over, add these settings:

Step 1:

display: block

Step 2:

opacity: 100%

Click Done when finished.

4. On Hover out, add these settings:

Step 1:

opacity: 0%

Step 2:

display: none

Click Done when finished.

Image – Instagram Feed

Show the photo feed from Instagram with automatic updates.
1. Embedagram website

1. Embedagram

Using the Embedagram, click on “Let’s get started”:

2. Login and authorize Instagram account.

Choose The Jquery plugin.
Make a note or copy the Instagram ID .

2. Webflow Designer

1. Create a new Section or Div. Give it a class

If you want to keep the content in the center of page, add a container inside the div or section.

2. Inside the Section or Div (or Container), create a new Div. Give it a class of instagram and ID of slideshow

3. Custom code | HEAD code

.instagram div {
 display: inline-block;       
 vertical-align: middle;        
text-align: center;    }        

.embedagram {         
text-align: center;

4. Custom code | FOOT code

1. The structure

The class instagram div is the Instagram feed container and class embedagram is the Instagram images itself.

2. Change instagram ID

Place the Instagram ID you generated earlier and replace the Instagram ID in the script

3. Set amount of images

Control the amount of images shown in the feed by altering the number 20 in “...success|this|extend|com|true|

4. Set amount of images per row

Containers in Webflow are 940 px so an image width of 313.13 px makes it 3-images-in-a-row. Original Instagram-sizes are 150, 306, and 612, but any size can be used within the designated space for your Instagram images. Set your thumb width by altering the numeric value found at thumb_width: 313.33.

$(document).ready(function() {
instagram_id: 1440618534,
thumb_width: 313.33,
wrap_tag: 'div' });

* embedagram - embed your instagram photos
* *
* Copyright (c) 2011 Matthew Hokanson (
* Licensed under the MIT (

eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(0($){$.q.h({7:0(d){1 e={8:-v,4:u,2:\'n\',3:\'m\',5:l,f:0(){6 j},};1 d=$.h(e,d);6 g.k(0(){1 o=d;1 b=$(g);1 c="p://7.i/e/r/"+o.8+"/?s=?";c+="&4="+o.4+"&2="+o.2;c+="&5="+o.5+"&3="+o.3;$.t(c,0(a){b.9(a.9);o.f.w(b)});6 b})}})})(x);',34,34,'function|var|wrap_tag|link_type|thumb_width|limit|return|embedagram|instagram_id|html|||||

5. Webflow Designer

1. Style Instagram Images (optional)

Create a new page, a section, container and div.

2. Add an image.

Drag an image widget and make it the same size you stated in the javascript code (thumb_width: 313.33) for your use of the instagram image.
Style the image widget to your choice. Publish the page.
Go to browser, open page and right-click and select Inspect element.
Find the image widget in the CSS.
Copy styles to Webflow Head Custom Code to the class embedagram.

.embedagram {         

Image – Fullscreen image show on text hover

A fullscreen background is revealed when hover over a text.
1. Webflow Designer

1. Set body height

Style it:

height: 100%

2. Create a Section.

Give it a class of Fullscreen Photo Section.
Style it:

width: 100%
height: 100%
position: relative

3. Create a Div

Give it a class of Fullscreen Photo Container 1
Style it:

width: 100%
position: absolute
background-image: your-image-1 (set to poster and center) 
opacity: 0%
display: none

4. Repeat step 3 and give the div a unique class

Give each div a unique class. For simplicity you should continue with the same name like Fullscreen Photo Container 1, Fullscreen Photo Container 2 and so on.

5. Add a Container or Div

Style it as you want.

5. Add a Text element

Give it a class of Fullscreen Hover Text.
Style it the way you want it.
Add as many text elements as you have background images.

2. Interactions

Select Fullscreen Hover Text

Add a new interaction.
Call it Display Background 1.
Call up the trigger Hover.
Select Affect a different element(s).
Use these settings:

Hover In - Step 1

display: block; 
transition: 0 ms

Hover In - Step 2

opacity: 100%
transition: your choice

Hover Out - Step 1

opacity: 0%
transition: same as hover in

Hover In - Step 2

display: none; 
transition: 0 ms

Duplicate and set an interaction for the other text elements.

Duplicate the interaction and change the class stated in Affect a different element(s) to the next photo container.

Image – Hero parallax – Zoom in

Parallax element with zoom in on scroll.
1. Webflow Designer

1. Create a Section.

Give it a class of Hero Parallax Section Zoom and an ID of heroparallaxsectionzoom in the Settings panel. 
Style it as you want. Change the background color to white if you want a white overlay instead of black as you scroll.  
These settings need to be set:

position: relative;
width: 100vw; height: 100vh;  // alternative use % instead of vw and vh
background: black;
overflow: hidden; // THIS IS * IMPORTANT * DON'T FORGET ! ! !

2. Create a Div. Place it inside Hero Parallax Section Zoom.

Give it a class of Hero Parallax Div Zoom.
Style it as you want but these settings need to be set:

position: absolute;
top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
height: 100%
widht: 100%

3. Add contents to Hero Parallax Div Zoom

Anything from headings to images etc.

4. Add a sections and content that will overlap the parallaxed hero.

Here you’ll just fill with regular content of your choice. Place it under neath the Hero Parallax Section Zoom.

2. Custom code | FOOT code

1. Paste code

At the property of transY you can change the scaling value.

var x = $(this).scrollTop(),
transY = (x * 0.5), scale = 1 + (x * 0.0003),
transform = 'translateY('+transY+'px) scale('+scale+') translate3d(0,0,0)';
$('#startherosection .start-hero-div').css({
opacity: 1 - (x * 0.0008),
WebkitTransform: transform,
MozTransform: transform,
msTransform: transform,
transform: transform

Image - Grayscale filter on hover

A grayscale filter for images. Choose between grayscale as default state or to appear on hover.
1. Webflow designer

1. Create your images

Place in where you want it. Style them as preferred.

2. Custom code | Head code

1. Option 1 – Grayscale on hover

img.grayscale {
filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,#grayscale"); /* Firefox 3.5+ */
filter: gray; /* IE6-9 */
-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); /* Chrome 19+ & Safari 6+ */

img.grayscale:hover {
filter: none;
-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);

2. Option 2 – Grayscale on hover

img.grayscale {
filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,#grayscale"); /* Firefox 3.5+ */
filter: gray; /* IE6-9 */
-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%); /* Chrome 19+ & Safari 6+ */

img.grayscale:hover {
filter: none;
-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);

Layering - CSS3 Blend modes

Blend modes with the same functionality as those in Photoshop. To read more about blend modes, please visit the sandbox site of Vincent Brú.
1. Custom code | Head code

1. Add these styles

.mbm-normal{mix-blend-mode: normal;}
.mbm-multiply{mix-blend-mode: multiply;}
.mbm-screen{mix-blend-mode: screen;}
.mbm-overlay{mix-blend-mode: overlay;}
.mbm-darken{mix-blend-mode: darken;}
.mbm-lighten{mix-blend-mode: lighten;}
.mbm-color-dodge{mix-blend-mode: color-dodge}
.mbm-color-burn{mix-blend-mode: color-burn;}
.mbm-hard-light{mix-blend-mode: hard-light;}
.mbm-soft-light{mix-blend-mode: soft-light;}
.mbm-difference{mix-blend-mode: difference;}
.mbm-exclusion{mix-blend-mode: exclusion;}
.mbm-hue{mix-blend-mode: hue;}
.mbm-saturation{mix-blend-mode: saturation;}
.mbm-color{mix-blend-mode: color;}
.mbm-luminosity{mix-blend-mode: luminosity;}

2. Webflow Designer

1. Create two or more images or elements

Make them overlap each other. 
The effects are only visible on your published site, not in the preview mode.

2. Add any of the above classes to the images or elements.

The effects are only visible on your published site, not in the preview mode.

Slider – Change default slider dots color and size

The slider nav dots cannot be customized natively in Webflow. This code allows you to change color and size
1. Custom code | Head code

1. Paste code

.w-slider-dot {
background: teal;font-size: 20px;}

.w-slider-dot.w-active {
background: aqua;
font-size: 20px;}

Slider - Constant animated slider

A slider with a constant movement.
1. Webflow Designer

1. Create your image

Give the image in the slider a name of collage.jpg. The image itself is 1800x500 px.

2. Create a Section and a Div.

Give the Section a class and ID of Collage. Give the Div a class of Photos.

2. Custom code | Head code

1. Paste code

@-webkit-keyframes collage {
0% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);

100% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0); }

@-moz-keyframes collage {
0% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0); }

100% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0); }

@-ms-keyframes collage {
0% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0); }

100% {

-webkit-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0); }

@keyframes collage {
0% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0); }

100% {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(-1800px,  0,  0); }

#collage {
position: relative;
height: 500px;
width: 100%;
max-width: inherit;
overflow: hidden;}

#collage .photos {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 5400px;
transparent url(../images/collage.jpg) repeat-x left top;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-o-transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
transform: translate3d(0,  0,  0);
-webkit-animation: collage 60s linear infinite;
-moz-animation: collage 60s linear infinite;
-ms-animation: collage 60s linear infinite;
animation:  collage 60s linear infinite;

Slider - Ken Burns effect

Slider with a very slow zooming effect on slide images.
1. Webflow Designer

1. Create a Section

Give it a class and style it the way you want.
For best scaling appearance, use percentage values. In this example 100% x 70% are used for height and width.

position: relative
height: 70%
width: 100%

2. Drop the Slider widget into the section

Give it a class and style it the way you want. Set height and width so it fills up the entire section
If you intend to have a text element on top of the image but not want it to be zoomed as well you need to set the Slider widget to:

position: relative
height: 100%
width: 100%

3. Give a class to the Slide elements

Give all of our slides a class.

overflow: hidden
position: relative

4. Create a Div and place it inside the Slide-element

Give it a class and style it the way you want. Add your background image.
This setting is needed:

overflow: hidden
position: relative

5. Create a Div or Container and place it inside the Slide-element

If you want a text to overlay your zooming image but not want the text itself to be zoomed, this is where you place that text element.
Give it a class and style it the way you want.
This setting is needed:

position: absolute
height: your option*
width: your option*
z-index: 1 (or a value that makes it visible on top of the image)

6. Repeat step 3-5 for all of your slides

2. Interactions

1. Select the Div containing your background image

2. Create interaction

Select trigger of Slider.
Check Loop and add these settings:

Slide Into View - Step 1

scale: 1.2x
transition: 15000 ms (or your preferred choice)

Slide Into View - Step 2

scale: 1.0x
transition: 15000 ms (or your preferred choice)

Slide Out of View - Step 1

scale: 1.0x
transition: 0 ms


I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Cheers!

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